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Competition & EU law insights

Keeping you up to date on Competition & EU law developments in Europe and beyond.

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Loyalty Pays: CMA Confirms Genuine Savings for Supermarket Loyalty Scheme Members and Issues New Guidance on Consumer Law Compliance

‘The UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has recently published a report on loyalty pricing in the grocery sector. The investigation examined the impacts of loyalty pricing on consumers and the market. The findings revealed valuable insights into the effectiveness and fairness of these pricing strategies.

The CMA also issued new guidance to ensure the accessibility and legality of loyalty schemes. This includes recommendations for supermarkets on running their loyalty pricing promotions. To find out more about the key findings and the implications for consumers and supermarkets alike, read the full article on our website.

Click here to read the article


europe, competition and eu law, international business-to-consumer, retail and consumer, western europe, united kingdom, london, insights